Taronga Group website – Terms & Conditions page


Taronga Group Pty Limited ACN 609 713 000, all its related entities and Taronga Group Investments Pty Ltd (ABN 21 163 737 326) (AFSL 478338) (together, “Taronga Group”) own and operate this website.

Neither Taronga Group nor any other person makes any representation or warranty that any statement, representation, projection or forecast is true, complete or accurate or otherwise as to the quality, accuracy, completeness, or fitness for purpose of any content on the website (including any website or page linked to it). Taronga Group is not liable for any loss or damage however caused resulting from the use of this website (including any website or page linked to it). This website is constantly subject to change and may not be up to date or accurate as of the date that a person looks at it and thus it may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical or material errors.

The information contained on this website is general in nature. People should not construe any content of this website (including any website or page linked to it) as any kind of personal advice or recommendation. Readers are encouraged to obtain independent advice. This website (including any website or page linked to it) does not purport to be complete, accurate or contain all information that a person may require including to make an informed assessment of whether to deal with or invest in any fund managed by or associated with Taronga Group or its team. This website (including any website or page linked to it) does not take into account the objectives or circumstances including financial situation or needs of any particular person, entity or organisation. Before acting on the information contained in this website, or making any decision, readers, potential investors or investees should make their own enquiries and seek professional advice as to whether any investment or other decision is appropriate in light of their own circumstances.

This website may contain references or links to other sites. Taronga Group does not necessarily sponsor, endorse, or approve of any material on such sites or the operations of such sites and makes no warranties or representations regarding those sites.

Taronga Group as copyright owner or licensee reserves all rights unless otherwise stated.

The information contained within this website is not intended to be a regulated offer or solicitation for financial services or investments in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation would be unlawful.


Taronga Group respects the privacy of your personal information and is committed to using reasonable endeavours to comply with the National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 and any other relevant legislation. These regulate the handling of personal information including its collection, use, disclosure and storage. Personal information might include your name, address, email and telephone number. Incomplete or inaccurate information may: contravene taxation legislation; prevent the provision of services to you; and/or prevent us from being able to contact you. Please note that we may disclose your personal information to third parties to assist us in providing our services. These will include regulators such as the Australian Taxation Office and our staff, related entities and advisors. We will typically only disclose your personal information to these third parties on a confidential basis and if that disclosure is necessary for the operation of our business. In some cases, we may disclose your personal information when required or authorised by law, for example, to government agencies or in emergency situations and when assisting in law enforcement. You may request access to your personal information at any time through the contact details on this website and/or contact us to request us to correct information that we hold about you. In some circumstances, we may not be able to provide you with access to your personal information for example for legal reasons. If this is the case, we will seek to provide you with reasons for our decision. Respecting privacy is important to us. Please contact us with any questions.

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