The Rise of RealTech: The Innovations Influencing How we Live, Work and Play


Smart Company Article October 2, 2019

Taronga Group’s RealTechX Growth Program Manager Julian Kezelman composed an article this month for growth businesses and entrepreneur publication, SmartCompany.

Kezelman outlines, ‘there is an emerging wave of innovation and technology – RealTech – that promises to augment the physical world in which businesses live, work and play’.

He continues to discuss the significance of RealTech in the future of the built environment, and its impact on the habits of individuals. His coverage of the influence RealTech has on numerous sectors including retail, residential and commerical reveal the wide impact of ReaTech and its potential to drastically alter traditional lifestyles.


Click here for the full article ‘The rise of RealTech: The innovations influencing how we live, work and play‘.

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