Belhaven Residential and Allume – Access to shared solar for multi-family residences in Mississippi

Belhaven Residential installed Allume Energy’s behind-the-meter solar sharing technology to provide solar energy to residents, reducing energy costs and providing greater access to the energy required for their comfort, health and wellbeing.

10 apartments
sharing rooftop solar

33% reduction in energy consumption from the grid

Over US$1,000
annual bill savings
for tenants

Enabled greater access to amenities for health & wellbeing

“The highest [my bill has] ever been in my life has been about $300 but since I moved to Belhaven, it’s been about $75 on average per month.”

Curtis Davis, Tenant at Belhaven Residential

“Usually [the temperature] is between 92° and 110°, it’s pretty high… My average energy bill was probably about $135 when I started renting here, now, the energy bill’s about $78 per month.”

Daren Washington, Tenant at Belhaven Residential


Belhaven Residential is located in a low-income, historic neighbourhood in Jackson, Mississippi. Summer temperatures in Jackson can soar to 110 degrees Fahrenheit (or +43 degrees Celsius), making access to air conditioning essential for residents’ health and wellbeing. A local leader who wanted to reduce energy burdens for residents in the area and bring Allume’s SolShare technology to Mississippi helped make this project a reality.

Solution implemented

Allume assisted this local leader as she engaged the building owner, Mississippi Development Authority, and Entergy (an investor-owned utility in Mississippi), all of whom supported this project to fruition. Allume’s behind-the-meter energy distribution hardware enabled the rooftop solar system to be shared between the residences 10 apartments.

Outcome delivered

The implementation of a 22kW SolShare solar system allowed residents to access solar energy optimised to their apartment usage. This resulted in over US$1,000 annual bill savings for tenants, and over US$11,000 total annual building savings.

*Based on system projections, data collected from this site as of July 2023 and savings calculation utilizing an average US utility bill of $125 (Forbes). Budgets and savings are estimates and will vary based on site conditions, energy usage patterns, and tariffs.

About Allume Energy

Allume Energy has developed a system that enables the power generated from a single rooftop solar system to be shared between multiple apartments within the same building, unlocking solar energy for multi-dwelling buildings.

For more information, visit

Source: Allume Energy, May 2024

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